Bibliographic Information
ISSN: 1743-9310
4 printed issues per year
No publication fees
Publication Dates: 30 January;
30 April; 30 July; 30 October; for every year

Abstracting / indexing: INSPEC, Compendex Scopus & Others

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Review Board Nominations

Review Board members are nominated by self-nomination and serve by invitation. To serve on MEDJMC's Review Board, please fill out the online reviewer-nomination form.

The initial commitment is for two years, the role of a reviewer would to include the following duties:

To review submitted manuscripts as requested by the Editor-in-Chief within deadlines, read and critically evaluate manuscripts, return helpful comments to authors, promote MEDJMC at professional meetings and venues, nominate new review board members, and above all to ensure that the journal will maintain its high quality.

After a reviewer's nomination has been received, it will be assessed with the needs of the journal to determine whether to issue an invitation or to decline to issue an invitation.

Online Reviewer-Nomination Form

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E-Profile (web link to your published biographical information):

Areas of expertise plus any other supporting information:


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